Serendipity Physical Therapy and Wellness is a fully mobile business. For your convenience, we bring the care to you! Whether you've had an injury or just want to make sure that you're in top form to continue doing the activities that you love for years to come, we've got you covered!
Our Approach
All services are provided by a licensed doctor of physical therapy. Each visit, your current status, progress, and remaining limitations will be thoroughly re-assessed; these findings guide each day's treatment.
This allows us to ensure that your treatment program is always being fine tuned as needed to get you the best results possible.
Long Term Benefits
We believe that it's critical to address your current issues as well as provide long term tools and strategies to ensure that you maintain what you've gained for the long term.
This focus on teaching and empowerment will allow you to finish with us feeling confident and capable of staying at your best for both the present and future.